Posts Tagged ‘Home’

What Comprises a Home Alarm System

A home alarm is an important tool to catch burglars and intruders. It is a high-technology system that emits a loud banging sound to alert someone in authority or a homeowner against a possible intruder or theft. A home alarm system is an efficient way to guard our homes against possible crimes and, at the [...]

Home Security 101: When You Suspect An Intruder

Waking in the night to the sounds of an intruder is part of the worst home security nightmares of many.  For victims of break-ins, generally the most surprising factor is the reaction they themselves have in such a high stress, emergency situation.  When the flight or fight response begins to kick in and adrenaline is [...]

Different Uses Of Home Alarm Systems

These alarm systems come in various sizes, which makes us easier to install them at any part of the house. Moreover precaution is better than cure and we must take initial steps before an incident can strikes us. We do have a tendency to protect ourselves from danger and other form of crime which would [...]

Home Security-Low Cost Alarms That Work

For most people their home is their biggest investment. In 2006 the median price for a home is expected to be $231,000. And of course everyone has insurance on their house. Everyone has insurance on their car as well. But more people have alarms for their car than their home. How does that make any [...]

Home security alarm system

What is Home Security Alarm System? Apparently, it is an alarm system installed at home for the sake of security. It is designed to detect intrusion. An ideal security alarm system consists of a combination of devices for exterior (or perimeter) and interior protection. Let’s look into what the perimeter protection and interior protection are. [...]