Driveway Alarms, Wireless Driveway Alert Monitoring


In recent years, there have been many innovative developments in the area of home security. There are now a variety of different types of security devices that a homeowner can install to help protect their home and property. One such security unit is the driveway alarm.

Driveway alarms alert homeowners when a person or vehicle is coming up the driveway or property. Driveway alarms have a range of about four hundred feet. This security unit makes a person aware of an approaching intruder before that person arrives at the doorstep. A great feature of these units is that they are very simple to install. Most homeowners will install the unit themselves.

There are a number of different driveway alarms on the market. The most common driveway alarms are units that make use of radio waves. As an object moves across its path, the radio wave detects the movement, and then sounds the alarm.  Other driveway alarms will make use of ultrasound and light waves. One is alerted of an approaching vehicle by ways of an alarm or a recorded message. Other units allow one to communicate using an intercom. There are even wireless driveway alarms that can be placed almost anywhere. Most wireless driveway alarms will have a battery backup in the event of a power outage. As well, there are driveway alarms that have a visual display.

One can set up their driveway alarm according to their personal preferences. This includes installing it high enough to prevent animals from setting of the alarm. It can be used on a wide range of driveways that includes small, large, narrow, and wide.

Another type of driveway alarm uses a probe attached to a cable. The vehicle drives through and the alarm is sounded. The probe is placed along side the driveway. One will drive over the cable that runs across the driveway. It works much like the cable you run over at a gas station that sounds an alarm to let service station attendants know that you are at the gas fill-up tank.

Wireless Driveway Monitoring Units are another type of doorway alarm. The unit consists of a transmitter and receiver. When a vehicle approaches, the transmitter will pick up the movement. The receiver will let the home owner know of the approaching vehicle by an alarm sound. One can even record their own voice to ward off intruders when they are picked up by the sensor. You can also set up various locations of transmitters at the same time with pre-recorded messages for each unit. You have the ability to cover vulnerable areas of the property. As well, you can configure the type of alarm sound and how long it will ring. There are also portable driveway alarm receivers one can carry at all times, no matter where they are on the property.

There are a number of ways an alert will be broadcasted. This can include a ring or tone, the outdoor lights turn on, or one can be notified by a recorded message. An important security feature that is available with some driveway alarm systems is notification sent to the police or security company in the event an intrusion occurs while you are away.

Driveway alarms are an efficient method of deterring home or business intruders. They are effective at detecting suspicious movement and then sending an alert to you or a security company. Regardless of the system you choose, your home and family will be more secure and you will be comforted knowing that you are protected.

Ralph Winn. 35 years in the Home Security industry. Ralph writes articles about?Driveway Alarms?and other security products.

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